While it’s not possible to entirely eliminate ride-hail empty time, public policy can make a considerable dent in it.
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This stockpiling of vehicles enables customers to quickly secure a ride, but at a high cost: both the empty vehicle waiting for the next pick-up notification and the driver traveling to the passenger worsen congestion in Manhattan, slowing down everyone - from ride-hail customers themselves to taxicab users, motorists, truckers, service workers, bus riders, pedestrians and cyclists. This is partly by design, as the ride-hail companies’ business model relies on rapid and reliable arrival at customers’ requested locations, which the companies facilitate by keeping a supply of empty vehicles at the ready. Because of the combined 13.9 minutes of unoccupied time, only about 60 percent of ride-hail vehicle time in the Manhattan core is spent conveying passengers the other 40 percent is spent empty. The Taxi and Limousine Commission (TLC) estimated in 2019 that to complete a typical 20-minute fare trip in the Manhattan core, a ride-hail vehicle spends 8.3 minutes waiting for the pickup notification and 5.6 minutes traveling to the pickup. While it is true that the traffic patterns and transit usage assumed in the report have changed, the underlying facts and principles remain: equitably reducing the underpricing of motor vehicle traffic in and near the Manhattan core will measurably improve New York City’s economy, ecology and quality of life. The ascension of Joe Biden to the presidency is very likely to end the federal hold on congestion pricing. Today, we publish the report essentially as written last March. (The report’s recommendations were premised upon congestion tolling of car and truck traffic into the CBD.) Release of the report was also impeded by the Trump administration’s prolonged holdup of the environmental review required to launch the congestion pricing program. It was completed in March, 2020 but withheld from publication on account of the Covid-19 pandemic and ensuing lockdown. This report was commissioned by the New York City Council and researched and written by transportation and traffic analyst Charles Komanoff (see Appendix for credentials). These outcomes would amplify the street-unclogging benefits of congestion pricing, improving travel efficiency and reliability in and around the Manhattan Central Business District (CBD). This charge on empty-vehicle time would incentivize the companies to reduce their stockpiling of vehicles in gridlocked Manhattan and nudge ride-hail customers toward less-congesting modes of travel. This report proposes charging ride-hail companies (Lyft, Uber and Via) for the time their vehicles spend without a fare-paying passenger within the FHV Congestion Surcharge Zone - the area of Manhattan south of 96th Street.
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Read the Full Report EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Introduction

A Report to the Council on Curbing For-Hire Vehicle Stockpiling in the Manhattan Core by Charles Komanoff